Fallout 4 permadeath mod
Fallout 4 permadeath mod

When you choose to spawn, you go to the character creation process, as normal. At this point you can either press a button to spawn a new character at the point the camera is in the world, or you can click a button to spawn in a random location. More importantly, though, the goal is to roam the world and choose exactly where you want your new character to spawn. What's the reasoning? Well, first, it feels a bit natural to me, game-wise. You can see your character's dead body, and the world goes on. Instead, you enter in "spectator" mode (just as if you typed 'tcl' in the console, or whatever the command is).

fallout 4 permadeath mod

The idea is that when you die, the game does not restart. Then you did respawn, but as another soldier. IIRC, when you die in that game (at least in the very beginning) you see the name of the solider you were playing as, his date of birth and date of death. Another thing that comes to mind is Battlefield 1. I heard the Fire Emblem games, one of the pioneers (if not THE pioneer) of the concept, do this pretty well. I believe this is remedied in some games where the permadeath concept is in fact built into the game. That means you will have to sit through the beginning of the game all over again (assuming you're not using alternative starts), will have to redo quests (depending at which point you died, A LOT of quests). As much as I like permadeath, though, I recon there is a downside having to restart everything. Just restart from the beginning when you die.

fallout 4 permadeath mod

Technically, you can already do permadeath on Fallout 4 (or any game, for that matter). Now, I've been a fan of permadeath in games since I first learned about the concept. This prevents redoing the same quests over and over when you're playing permadeath. Quests and dialogue lines are adjusted to take into account the fact that you may be playing with a new, never before seen character at any point in the game. The character creation may include alternative-start-like features.

fallout 4 permadeath mod

Instead, you enter spectator mode to choose a location to spawn a new character, or choose a random location. TL DR: A mod that prevents the game from reloading the last save when your character dies.

Fallout 4 permadeath mod