Rome total war 2 keeps crashing
Rome total war 2 keeps crashing

You have chosen an invalid tile(0,0)for the settlement of': KTM's with message on exit: 'Script error in. Typo or other problem in building capabilities in EDB KTM's without message (CTD when you try to have a message error): Using identical colour for two different regions. Mis-match between colour on map_regions.tga and colour listed in descr_regions.txt for affected settlement.

rome total war 2 keeps crashing

could not create settlement at script line xxx' Having the win_conditions section from a v 1.2 descr_strat file at the top of a descr_strat.txt file you are trying to run under v 1.5 also gives this error. If error message gives line number look it up using 'edit' 'go to' function in Notepad. Most varieties of typing error above the level of the second faction in descr_strat.txt - the game stops reading the descr_strat file when it meets an error so doesn't get as far as reading second faction. Expected faction - must add at least two factions to the world' Overwriting rather than deleting and then copying an update of map tga files region name mismatch between descr_regions.txt and descr_win_conditions.txtĪt Campaign Map Loading: See also: Campaign Map Not Loading: RTW Kick to Main Menu: region name mismatch between descr_regions.txt and descr_mercenaries.txt campaign_descriptions.txt must have less than 1000 characters per line and less than 20 lines per faction, or file load time is increased by 85% Mismatch between descr_names.txt and names.txt Building has ownership in export_descr_buildings.txt but does not have UI assigned to it either in UI folder or descr_ui_buildings.txt Missing building description which exist in export_descr_buildings.txt but not in export_buildings.txt

rome total war 2 keeps crashing

I hope we continue to have participation, even if only adding a few here and there. I would love to be able to compile and update this list. My hope is to generate a long list of exactly what can cause errors throughout all of RTW. Possible Causes of Error in Rome: Total War (may also valid with Medieval II: Total War)

  • 2 Medieval II: Total War Possible Causes of Error.
  • 1.4.6 CTD's with no message at the end of the campaign loading bar:.
  • 1.4.5 CTD's with generic message about 3/4's way through campaign loading bar:.
  • 1.4.4 CTD's with generic message shortly after arrow is clicked to start campaign - new map.rwm is generated:.
  • 1.4.3 Game Freezes after arrow is clicked to start campaign - new map.rwm is generated but loading bar is not reached:.
  • 1.4.2 CTD's with generic message when arrow is clicked to start campaign - no map.rwm generated:.
  • 1 Rome: Total War Possible Causes of Error.

  • Rome total war 2 keeps crashing